Robert Morris College

CI-620 System Analysis and Design


Instructor: Ed Quigley 724.774.2088

CI-620 Midterm

This page contains the Midterm exam for CI-620, System Analysis and Design.
Your submission should consist of this question page, with your typed answers attached.
Please identify each page with your name in the header/footer/etc.
If you use drawings in your response, freehand pencil drawings are satisfactory.
Brevity is a virtue; if you can answer a question in three lines, please do so.
Answer any 4 of the following 7 questions:

1.What are the characteristics of systems? Put another way, how do you differentiate a system from a non-system?

2.Discuss/Desribe either Shannon and Weaver's Communication Channel OR Debons' EATPUT model.

3.Briefly Compare/Contrast ERD's and DFD's. Define each, identify the commonality, clarify the distinctions.

4.What is the difference between the behavioral and the environmental model?

5. Answer 2 of these 3 sub-questions:

  • Describe/Contrast Analysis and Design
  • Describe/Contrast Validation and Verification
  • What does it mean to freeze requirements? How do you do it? What are the implications?

    6.What does it mean to say that two dataflow diagrams "balance"?

    7.Describe how you wove the rhetorical themes of logos, pathos, and ethos into the introduction section of your requirements document. (Consider attaching your latest Introduction, highlighting different phrases in the text [maybe color-coding l/p/e], and writing a brief discussion of your use of the rhetorical triangle).

    2.19.98 Robert Morris College