Robert Morris College

CI-620 System Analysis and Design


Instructor: Ed Quigley 724.774.2088

Topics 01/29/98

Some Views of Systems

Laszlo and Bertalanffy--
Before Systems: atomistic view of compartmentalized specializations
after systems: holistic view of related complexities

before systems: Newton's clockwork physics dealt with simple organizations or mass chaos
after systems: Warren Weaver's science of organized complexity

Systems maintain themselves over time and over changing environment
see: Second Law of Thermodynamics: entropy increases over time

Systems achieve a dynamic (not static) steady state.
Systems achieve a parametric homeostasis (like a warm-blooded creature)

Closed and Open Systems
Systems involve feedback, servo-mechanisms, reiterative processes.
systems tend toward equifinality: a tendency toward a characteristic final state.
Is it robust? Flexible?  Enabling or Restrictive?

Review of Reading Assignment

Shannon and Weaver's Communication Model.
Shannon and Waver's Comm Model

Debons' EATPUT model.
Debons' EATPUT system


Systems Analysis (to break down) and Design (to build up) We live in a designed world. (parkway, campus, etc.) How is the engineering of IS different from other types of engineering? 1. Goal of software enginering: devising teachable, reproduceable, reusable techniques 2. Catastropic faliures of most engineering (skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels) are rare. Computer crashes are common. What's the difference? 3. Physical system have the range of possibility limited by physical forces; software faces no such forces and thus has a larger spectrum. Problems in software Development 1. Productivity: labor intensive, high variability time to produce system may exceed timeframe to implement myth of the man-month: more people doesn't reduce time. N people generate n(n-1)/2 communication paths, so 4 people means 6 paths, 40 people means 780 comm paths. 2. Maintainability software spends most of its service life in maintainence mode. 20% is error correction, 80& is adaptive/change 3. Project Management 55% of projects exceed budget 68% exceed schedule 88% are substantially re-designed Solution: Formal Methodologies 1. Handling Complexity by imposing structure, narrowing scope, abstracting essentials, communicate graphically 2. Formal Methodologies introduce prior experience into the product 3. Characteristics of a good methodology: describable, repeatable, teachable, widely applicable, produces better results 4. Produces greater control over status, time/cost/quality, benefits

Software life cycle models

  1. Why a life cycle model?
    1. defines activities
    2. introduces consistency
    3. provides checkpoints for control


  1. System Owner
  2. Responsible User
  3. Hands-on User
  4. Beneficial Users

Project Life Cycle Activities

  1. Problem Definition
  2. Systems Analysis and Feasibility Study
  3. Systems Design
  4. System Development / Design Implementation
  5. System Testing
  6. System Implementation
  7. Formal Review
  8. Project Modification and Enhancement
  9. System Maintenance

Intro to Modeling

  1. The Essential Model
  2. Properties of Good Models

Project Life Cycle Issues

  1. Goal: to produce a correct and reliable working system that meets the user's business objectives
  2. Correctness Issues:
    A correct system meets its specifications
  3. Freezes
